Sunday, August 24, 2008

August 9, "the big day"

Joe and I are officially "Mr. & Mrs. Horst." While those titles sounds a little old for us still, we're loving sharing last name.

The rehearsal, wedding, and reception all went as close to perfectly as they could. Joe and I were filled with excitement (and a few nerves) that weekend, but we made it through with the biggest smiles on our faces I think we've ever had.

We stayed overnight in Dayton, OH, before flying out to the Bahamas for a week. The traveling was a little exhausting (we left at 7:30am and arrived at 9:30pm!), but we had fun being together.

After returning to Ohio on Saturday at 1am, we went to church with Joe's family and then proceeded to open gifts, pack the car, and drive home to Harrisonburg! It was another late night, since we had to set our bed up when we got here, but it was worth it to finally get home.

This past weekend we drove down to Richmond for our "open house." Since many people were not able to travel to Ohio for the wedding, we decided to come to them! I wore my wedding dress and Joe wore a tux that we borrowed from a friend. Family and friends helped out with serving cake and punch, as well as "directing traffic" throughout the house. We had video and slideshows set up so that people could see how everything went!

Needless to say, here are a FEW of our wedding pictures.

Bride and bridesmaids

Groom, groomsmen, and ringbearer

Jen and Dad

Jen and Mom

Joe's family... completely normal.

I'll put the rest of the pictures on a slideshow on the right hand side of the page. I'm having some trouble uploading pictures to the actual page. Enjoy!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Coming soon...

We're married! In the next few days I'll have pictures up! Please keep checking back often. We appreciate your patience!! :)

Monday, August 04, 2008

Touring Ohio

Joe and I are here! We arrived on Saturday, after a nice 6 1/2 hour drive. Joe was obviously very excited!

Today we went to the Wooster Probate Court and got our marriage license. We would have gotten it sooner, but both parties must be present to get it, and it only lasts 60 days, so this was the first chance we've gotten to do it! It's official though, when we do get married, it'll be legal. :)

Other places we've been today: The Rubbermaid store, Lehman's Hardware, and the Simply Smuckers store. (All places that you should visit if you are going to be in Ohio for a while!) We had so much fun being touristy!

Another exciting moment of the day: Seeing straw get bailed behind Joe's house. The bailer machine just sucks it all up and poops it out!! I tried to take a picture but I didn't want the guy in the tractor to see me!

Five days to go!

If you'd like to help: Bring yellow and/or white flowers (wildflowers or from your garden) to the church on Friday at 2pm. We're going to be using them for decoration!