Friday, May 09, 2008

We're seniors!

Finally, we have finished this semester! In some ways it flew by, but in other ways it's taken ages to end. We finished out the semester well and are now taking our summer classes. I am taking the required general education "senior seminar," and Joe is currently on a 3 week trip through the mountains called wilderness seminar. After that he will intern most of the summer (until the wedding) at a camp near Harrisonburg as their Head Counselor. I'll be working as a CNA at a nearby long-term care facility.

As far as wedding planning, things had been put on hold for a while there until the semester was finished. Now that I have a little more time I can finally give it some attention! While we're still working on catering for the reception, our invitations are being printed, and I'm being thrown a Bridal Shower in Richmond by my bridesmaids on May 24. Please call my mom if you haven't gotten an invitation and would like to come because I'm sure you can!! :D

Since Joe isn't here, I haven't done as much as I would've liked to before this update, but there will many more updates to come after Joe returns and we can work together to plan and get things pulled together for our special day!

If you'd like to help: Send me suggestions of verses, quotes, etc. to include in the wedding ceremony!

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